**** calling"/ >

Author Topic: **** calling  (Read 360 times)

Offline dorit0z

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Re: **** calling
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2012, 08:12:28 pm »
OK Johnny. I wanna set something strait here. I've been texting Loki tonight, he's like my therapist for when I freak out.. basically I wanna take back dragging you and Magi and the quote 'fake ass niggas' that ratchet'spends all day talking to and listening to eachother breath'. Ive reconsiled with my feelings and I really have no problem with y'all,  i unfairly drug you guys into an emotional post that I made and I feel bad for that. I only was mad at ratchet I sware. I know y'all are like his friends and all so I totally expexct you to take his side and all and not forgive me but here it is. I offer my apologies to yous guys.

I do stand by my post about wild west being a small social ring that I felt very unwelcomed in, but its fine. I ain't mad or holding grudges or trying to be **** talking when I say that. I just put it that was so 30 people wouldn't ask me why I left.  That's how I felt.

nohands kill- a grave kill after you have already taken your hands off the keyboard